Hey people , Happy new year to all of you..... :D
Life is going on so fast, and so is the time. Time is very funny thing for me as its always slips away from my hand and am always running behind to catch it but it doesn't wait for me at all, but when i catch the time and ask to wait for me it again goes away and troubles me. Managing time is very significant, being a student as there are lots of stuff in which we are engaged and we are always been asked to do the best. When you are resuming your duty from a long gap it consumes more time then what you were consuming before as you are addiction got a pause. We always want to be with the time and get the job done, but what we do after saving the time ? sometimes we save the time by catching a shortcut or by doing multiple task at the same time. So now we also need to use this saved time somewhere, and mostly we go on for consuming it in some activities which is not at all needed, and thereafter we say that " oh !! we wasted our time !! " but my dear you had saved your time before and now you had utilized that saved time so it's not at all wasted, You are still with the time. But we can also say that if we are utilizing our saved time then we should utilized it in our free time , not in the time of burden on our head. Now if you find burden on your head , that means that you had already lost the time so you are overloaded, so it's time for you to run..... bhag ! bhag ! :P
first of all a very happy newyear to u ,by reading your blog the frst question which strickes my mind was "how to manage time"?? because i many times finds difficulty in managing time and i do as what u have stated that doning multiple tasks or adopting shorcuts and so on and so forth We all grow in time live in time and ultimately, perish in time. There may not be an exact definition of time, but we all know what it is and its great value in a person's life. But is there any way to but still m in delima what is time??? see even the supreme beings like ram,krishna all of them have to go in the darkness of death even time dint waited for them ??? then y r v worshiping them y cnt we worship time??? i do think time is a supereme then all.A man has a lot of wants. We all want fame, success, money, happiness, love, etc there is no end to our desires However only a few r successful, prosperous and happy These few r the ones who realized the value of time They made the best use of their time and attained an enviable position in the society so i think we shold always do "Bhag Bhag" as u say keep blogging